至翔NID实景作品 | INCLUB英克拉健身俱乐部

至翔 NID 空 间 设 计

ZX NID space design

Hard installation design

Soft installation design


Thank you for your attention to ZX NID design

Hard installf # 8 6 ? + , ! fation design & soft installation design

ZX NID design team

ChanD E 3 cgshu,Suzhou,China


项目名称 | Name :INCLU\ – _ Y ~ 4 EB英克拉健身俱乐部

项目坐标 | AddreH E 3 ^ Q % _ h 6ss :英克拉健身会所(黄河路店)

项目风格 | type :现代风格

设计机构 | Design :至翔NID空间设计

施工单位 | Consturuction :至翔精筑

设计时间 | DesigY @ v L F 8 En time :20222

拍摄时间 | Shooting time :20226

项目5 I ] O & :面积 | Area :1500㎡

摄影机构 | photography :AK空间摄影




「 Design &amc ? +p; Appeal | 设计&诉求 」

@ Z l u P目背景:当地知名健身俱乐部,此项目室内1500平方,坐落常熟黄河路288号(常熟国际饭店宴会中心一层),是一个集运动、瑜伽、拳击、操房、普拉提、私教以及社交体验于一体的室内设计项目,品牌定位精致、高端的健身空间。健身行业更新换代快,改造周期处于疫情期间,x 2 x ^ b U 4打破S X G , A g h Y h原有格局,整体重装上线。

设计理念:通过流线型的空间、流动的光线、区分运功前、运动中与运动后的不同空间和不同用户情绪。向外界展示更好的“自我”d I M g,正是人们努力健身的内驱动力。当人们完成锻炼的目标时,将会收获令人愉悦的成就感。

「 F– ( D ] @ Aamily changes | 户型改造 」



Vestibule] G o l G ~ o I p area

Design agency\ r n M: Zhi Xiang NID space design


前厅属于运动前的一个区域,包含沙发区、前台、– 6 7 G 7 P v H咨询等功能。空间属性决定设计走向,前厅独立,通过绕行方式进入健身区,给健身区相对独立私密的空间、不受外围空间干扰。前厅大量使用了弧形的手法、拱形门洞、圆| o k y = , t弧造型链接顶面,风格统一。员工内部通道考虑吧台后侧门和会员通道区别,便于管理。吧台旁的拱形造型,是用于大型S % 8 6 9 b % k [设备进出的一个装置。

The veB ! 3 Y Z x Lstibule belongs to an area before sports, including sofa area, reception, consultv X u – P * [ation and other functions. The spac{ 5 ] ne attribute determines the design direction. The vestibule is independent and enters the fitness area through detour, giv6 ! I w J ] = Aing the fitness area a relax i L Rtively indepeq q ^ b ` O indent and private space, free from the interference of the peripheral space. The front hall uses a large number of arc-shaped techniques, arched doors, arc modeling linking the top surface, unified stylb – T 6 Te. The staff internal passag} h ; o ;eway should consider the diffey ^ S $rence between the side door behind the bar and the member’s passageway for easy mana6 Q r { * Zgement. The@ $ m e n } Z arched shape next to the bar is a device for large equipment to enter and exit.


Aisle area

Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space desZ ` L bign

过道区, 9 r f P * i X :

过道区通过流线型方式B 4 @ W w g E,有序连接各个功能区、同时增加了趣味性。沉稳的木质、柔和的色调符合品牌定位。


The corridor area connects each functional area in a streamlined way and increases the intere ; u ,est. Calm wood, sofE n v :t tone in line with th\ \ + i – 8 U }e brand positioning.

The en_ 9 | % = !trance of each functional room adopts an arched doorway, highlighj B ) / ~tf 8 i 0 | Ging th7 \ ~ ? a 9 M Ze entrance position. The ground processing method is the same, and the ground straight channel guides the directm N ` ] . ~ &ion. Mirror ceiling, stretching the sense of space, but also increase the fun type.


Running area

Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design


跑步区采用有序排布的方式、区域感独立。跑步区面) . U对窗户,户外有景,充` ) d D + / v ~分考虑用户使用感受。

The running area is arranged in an oG K E H b / \rderly way and feels indepe4 \ k tndent. The running area faces the Window` B $ Q us and has outdoor scenery, giving full consideration to the user’s experi| _ | – S Hence.


Zone of force

Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design



Thk 4 z @ E ? D Re pow5 k 2 /er zone is in one corner of the hall, divided slightly by a four-sided rotating mirror. The upper and lower bearings of the ro} v K ? M gtating mirror are fixed and rotate freeg h P a { : tly. The lighting uses low-voltage electricity, which is also a difficult point id * } ]n construction. Repeated tests finally gD : 9 $ ^ 3et relatively satisfactory results.


Water bar area

Design9 S f d Q * V 3 ~ agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design


水吧区是一个凹型q # \ * r O 8的空间,结合原始结构柱,制作的不规则拱形造景、拱形造景为附属的功能房间,做了缓冲区域。爱健身的人往往都爱拍照展示,设计之初也考虑了较多可供摄影打卡的背景。

Thr I 6 Q = ~ W { te water bar area is a concave space, combined with the original sC g t E j ftructural coln P Aumns, made of irregu( ( * blaD : – R ur arch landscape, arch landscape for the attached functionw / U u } Nal rooms, as a b9 2 V Z ( luffer area. People whZ { $ U x n G ho love fitness often love to take photos and show, and at the beginning of the design, more background for photography was consid& _ oered.


Lobby area

Design agency: Zhi Xia– j e \ng NID space design


大厅空间开阔、所有功能房间如:瑜伽、操房、私教、普拉提等功能房i r m P Z K P ^ u间,都是围绕大厅的,成一个半包围式的布局。空间z G @ 4越大,层高的要求越高,越能满足用户的舒适体验。设计中大幅度提升了空间感、局部吊顶方式、对于空调、风道等设备充分抬高,交错利用顶面空t z M h @间。

The hall is spacious, and all functional rooms, such as yoga, exercise room, p2 b ) E I U F ! $rivate teaching, Pilates and other functional rooms, are arranged around the hall in a5 M 9 I semi-encircled layout. The larger the space, the@ j e higher the requirements of the height, the m$ d T R u }ore can meet the user’s comfortable experience. The sense of space is greatly impf ] C e b G B uroved ic a ! : + ~ C / :n the design, and the local ceiling is fully raised for air conditioning, air duct and othero b @ x 6 u b B { equipment, and the top space is, e W V _ d | staggered.


Yoga room

Design agency: Zhi Xiang= 2 c NID space design


瑜伽要求身体、呼吸、心灵三者达到一致,形成一种完整的状态。在瑜伽冥想中,也是要求身心合一,达到内心平静的境界。设计中布置选取较为私密独立的区域、光线的运用充分采用反射光,大量镜面的运用扩大空间,色彩使用z 5 L平和,设计语言将舒适自然的精神内核传递给每一位用户。

Yoga requires the body, breath, and mind to cb y p r i ~ + 6ome together in a state of integrity. In yoga m2 M = \ De2 8 j 6 Lditation, body and mind are also required to achieve inner peace. In thb . & D d v Z / Ve design, private and independent areas are sn T Q M Ielected, refO K + r = ! v p Ilected light is fully used in the use of light, a large number of mirrors are used to expand the space, the color is peaQ y 8 o h [ D zceful, and the design language conveys the spirit core of comfort and nav | M vture to et a Z q y / ~very user.


Exercise room and private classroom

Design agency: Zx a o 7 T | + `hi Xiang NID space design


操房的空间⾜够⼤,给健⾝者以空旷的1 L J B } / c感觉,墙顶连续造型、体现秩序和韵律感。领操台配备整块⼤型玻璃镜,以增强视觉效果,使操房的空间在视觉上看起来更大,独立空间和大1 O _ 1 E w L e厅通过波浪形玻璃分隔,建设的氛围会传递给大厅的其他用户。

The space of the exeL G ? b X urcise room is large enough to give exercisers a feeling of emptiness. The top of theX J j wall is continuously shaped to reflect the sense of order and rhythmI W 3 * % ( m b q. The leadership platform is equipped with a large glass mirror to enhance the visual effect, so that the space of the operation room looks bigger visually. The independent space and the hall are sepO l [ v y j 6arated by undulating glass, and the atmosphere oR + p V v W Gf the construction will be transmitted to other users in the hall.

私教室,在达到空间独立的基础上,顶面和大厅空气循环互通,可以更肆意地挥洒汗C _ ! W p D 9 1水。动感十足的背景音乐能够提升人们对空间的体验,营造沉浸式Q q Y ^ . & a 5 {的健身效果。

Private classy R ; 2 Xroom, on the basis of achieving space independence, the top surface and the hall air cir[ B # ; = 1culation, can be more wanton sweat. Dynamic background music can enhance people’s experience of the space and create an immersive fitness_ q = i x E effect.


Dressing rooms and thR E ( ~ K H W Feir attachQ d ] Ied areas

Design agency: Zhi Xiang NID space design



The dressing room has enough space, ventilationS r M H _ w facilities are planned in total, the dressing room is customized to meet the user’s practical function, the door lock uses faceA p & & y N Y recognition, convenient management.

附属区域设置了体侧室、肌肉放松室、更衣室、浴Z \ , % { @ # =室、卫生间等。% { t y [ s z @ W运动后所需的空间更加柔和、古典的背景音乐会让人们平静下来,慢慢感受身心的放松与k 6 – j K }变化。

The attached area is equipped with a side room, a muscle relaxation room,l h j g a changing room, a bathroom, and a toilet. After exercise, the space needed is softer and classical background music can calm people down and slowly feel the relaxation and change of body and mind.

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