右尔设计丨集生活、社交、休闲、艺术于一体 开启多重感知和体验



为了让设计的美好得到更大范围的传递,搜狐焦点家居和红星{ r 8 h . ! ?美凯龙作为主办方,开启“北京红星美凯龙春季大宅别墅设_ – G E ] U计展”线上巡展。本期带来设计师右尔的“西山华府”设计项目,在经典与优雅弥漫的一处室内空间,与家人尽享一段静谧时光。

j 5 4

You Er

One Space室内设计工` x h F作室


设计的过程是讨论使用舒适,和无用美学的结合,我们致力于:用独特的审美表8 d J v达最准确的功能。

——右尔 (You Er)




信息时M & X ( f ) 4代步伐的快速更迭,多元化文化融合催生着大众生活方式、审美诉求及消费习惯的变m U _ ? v G L ]革,以黑色为视觉Q 1 5 c A的主轴,简单的空间也成了一个温馨深色情书。

Fast paces and diversified culture of the information age catalyzes the change of the masses’ life styles, aesthetics and consumption habits. With black as the dominant tune, a simple space can shift to a sweet love letter with dark color.



经典的埃德加德加油画作品总是干净的线条和完美运用明暗的技巧,其实这是油画电视的使用,既有客户需要的娱乐系统,又有传统的装饰画[ U j ? $ D的效果。

Classic Edgar Degas oil painting is always a combination of clean lines and the perfect skill of shade us2 w – 0ing. In reality, this is down to the introduction of oil painting TV, which integrates the infotainment system needed by customers and the result d\ F u a r f =isplayed by traditional decorative paintH b 1 H P m qing.


古典装饰元素线条与丰富多姿的当代设计语言,亦在于其展露的对过去与当下种种生\ R p : .活方式的无限包容。

Classical decorative lines and abundant modern design la[ K ) ? d 6nguages embrace as many life styles,old and new.


设计通过功能设定图纸与业主,完成N A 9 $ $ 4 k了对空间的第一次解构。而第二次解构,亦即从精神到个性、审美、品位、志趣等层面的丰富界定与深度探寻,设计师以不拘常规空间格局,a B ? X B H @ M实现了艺术理想之家。

Through function setting d. ^ M S = f D M #rawings, preliminary deconstb R Zruction about the space matem y trializes.Secondary deconstruction is defined and pinned down+ d 1 3 * f from spirit to personality, aesthetics, taste, aspiration and other levels. Desig) s 3 H ^ aners brought about an ideal artistic home, without bef { x K Eing constrained by conventional spatial pattern.

↑餐厅7 v & G 7 Y + 2 L

餐厅一隅,汇聚了不同种类的当代家居艺术品,透过云朵吊灯构c ~ } 9 : c 6 3就的无限想象空间,引发一场艺术美学与日常生活的互动,开放岛台设计,审美与功能在空间中共存。

AtA f 1 g | + $ X [ a corner of the dining room are various modern furniture artworks. A space fS \ x _ v w R Iull of imagination created by cloud-shaped droplights brings a combined atmosphere of art anesthetics and daily lif} ( J ! we. The open island designC : c P G offers a space that pq ] _ P o W )uts ty M Z G Xogether anesthetics and function.


↑玄关8 – c ! 7 w


Light warm color sek 7 T * L ~rves as the dominant tuz R ^ % i i d lne to defD c j . R =ine elegance and a sense ofa ^ t – – K A H R belonging to family.~ q M H JStandalone furniture style and a spiritual work of a, E l 1 U Ert bring a distinctive experience to dwellers.


生活承w 6 L载精神的感知,走廊尽头设计师以看似随意9 B H d实则考究的布局,采用模糊艺术手法使空N J s Q n ! A T间叙事结合充满对未知的想象。

Life carries spiritual perception.} x . p 0 k At the end of the corridor is seemingly casual yet elegant layoh n O 9 & % a Eut, through which designers adopt fuzzy artistic techn@ 1 E g 2 L uique to integrate space and imagination of the unknown.

↑独立衣帽K j + 9 ` @ Z F X

光影的戏剧性与空间单一的色彩,默契呼应着空间的独特艺术。在追溯风格中,在1 ~ b y v收藏日常中,寻得本真意义所在。

The dramatic light and shadow and the single color of space harmoniously echo the uniqu0 W ve art of space. The tracing style an$ Z z _ j u hd daily cv { U Q \ f Z 7 Vlothes storage are where thn 3 h ke dweller could peW Q 7 C m 4 O 2 arceive the authenticity of life.



The masterroom and the bathroom4 ] 4 f v therein is teeming with dark red warm atmosphere and sur^ ? X @ging light, a& } h H V $ b ; jnd d/ # R ( Aisplays a totoally different featuret x 9 J U / compared with other black spaces, with a mah 4 {ture charm created by the interwaving of calmness and enthusiasm.

↑主卫W h ) R


游戏室设i K z b O , :计的着墨重点,在于烘托沉浸式的氛围感。独具风格的现代c Z 6 6家具成为设计师的不二选择,柜几、书架上陈列着业主多年的游戏机收藏搭配当下最火的VR游戏设备,一方小天地的独特气质呼之欲出。

Design of the game room focuse0 p p U z * Ks on an imme~ – ? e 5 ^ Orsive atmosphere. Unique modern furniture is the only o– | e { \ption of the designer. With the owner’s consoles collected over years as weS * \ T Xll as today’s hit VR gears arranged bot0 ( X ^ yh on the end table or i^ i . c .n the bookcasU + E # ) ^ ( _ |e, a small d% h & 9 # X G Y Uisto 0 W * zinctive world is just there.


突破材质、装饰、元素的, b N 6 n g固有框X [ ` ` t f u架,集日常生活、j n `社交休闲、艺术体验等多功能于一体的家居生活空间,开启业主对未来美好生活的多重感知和体验。

Going beyond the inh9 ! $ * h D ; Derent frame of material, decoration and factors, a homg ^ % M O ) N Z qe life space encompassing daily life, sA J } %ocial games and artistic experience among others be] & L R R L ~ a /gins a journey for the# G T ? J I owner to experience and perceive a beu j ^autiful life in yearsV | k % H Z l ` @ to come.





项目地址:北京 海淀区


设计团队:One Space室内设计工作室

产品信息:木作定制 / 德国KIC木作系统、和玺木门

灯光支p Z O n ( . m Ii – K { 0 a % ! d / 光泉照明

户门系统 / 金禾别墅门

洁具产品 / 汉斯格雅、雅生

木地板产品 / 得高木地板



右 尔

One Space室内设计工作室 创始人 / 设计总监

关于Onx g (e Space室内设计工作室

成立于2014年,创始人右尔先生习惯y _ v t W ? K F于以功能为导向对室内项目进行深度思考。工作室的核心思想“用独特的审美表达最准确的功能”由13 # ^ N a I n J9世纪美国的6 V – M v ; h ? ]芝加哥学派路易斯沙利文提出“形式追随功能”迭代而生。功能主义在近年的作品中得到体现,为很多人解决空间的问题,解决装饰的问题。

工作室团队包括建筑设计、结构设计、暖H l M e } $ 3通设计、各专业为H X Q ; E 2 D客户提供设计落地服务,立足于北京,项目涵盖上海、天津、成都、辽宁全国各个城市。致力于酒店、地产、办公空间、私宅等项目的规M ( + G D Y g划设计、施工落地、软装陈设一体化服务,设计不应只S t h 6 ` N b P停留在图纸的标准核心? O / 1价值观为业主方做好项目管理。


↑游= \ x戏室

搭建设计师、– @ ) I J l品牌与商户的沟通平台,




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