



On top of a new\ s R g d ~ly buiu I p _ : [lt building next to th0 H 8 be Huangpu Old Shipyard, CROX meticulously designed the “O n E q 9 –Natural Park” with eternal flowing lines and high-quality materials based on aesthetics, creating a simple, pure, and elegant officR N c U o . C pe spai f Vce that is naturally comfortabR : h a {le.


t Z u , W V [ R场景化等候区

△阶梯式造景F w M F 1 n


Form and Function4 I c

设计初始考虑两种不同使用的方法,首先以功能划分出动静两种不同的视觉属性,顶层面向黄浦江的区域,藉由望江的感悟,在原始的方正塔楼格局架构下。% 7 E W

The design was initially concept: t \ B A I M $ Dualized with two distinct usage s[ u _ X Qcenarios in mind. The fiX g z x S ` q ^ Grst area is oriented towards the8 \ G – N P d q ` HuangpuP f L ; ) n O Y River and features a dynamic visual style.


△接待区全景效果^ } ( j – U R i

△艺术造景空间X { ] f 3 a 6 q A整体效果


Here, the free-form curves were introduced to break away from th} k O K $ & `e original squa= u ^ Q 9re tower structure and create a variety of social spaces. The interplay of curved wallsA 7 T opened up the spaz S f V 1 s B Q 4ce, offering visitors a unique and visually stunL Q l M ] / , K Hning experience.




On the other side, the primary workspace features a static visual style, with a rectangular entrance and clearly defined flow throughout the meetin\ k T ^ ;g and office areas. This communicates a sense of stability and orderly development.




Light and Shadow

由日出到日落,人们的工作与生活随着时辰切换 ,理性与感性间相互流* \ ? 0转,赋予材料不同明暗属性,具有多重的意义。

From sunrise to sunset, people’s work and life switch with the hour, fl) T c v Qowing between reason and emotion,r p ; giving materials different attributes of light and darkness, with multiple meanings.





白色弧面上分割精细标志的格栅设计,巧妙的将门片G V u n \ @ ( /隐藏,增加了更为细腻层次,保留完整的弧面构成了白天绝对明快的流畅,而% , ? W [ _ \ u z直线条格栅则形成夜间不同的光影变化。

he delicate grating design divides the white arc surface and cleverly hides the door panels, adding more subtle levy Y ! v f 0 i fels. The complete arc forms a bright an\ & B # v Q \ #d smooth feeling in the daytime, while the stc z N Yraight line grating forms different light and shadow changes at night.

△冷暖色调? E N 2 Y } 5 q )焦点

二元d d K J i一体适用于日夜间的活动,也为m w & * y :生活添加了许多的片段回忆。

The binary nature is suitable for activities da* 7 \y and n) f E @ ! e #ight, and adds many fragmek ) m L 8 : 3 ?nts of memory to life.

* – X \休息与公共区域划分△内庭院转换空间


More and Less

这是一个多领域的空间,也因不同属性,提供了P ( . [ 4 ; ]个性化的设计,让人一边打球一边工作,一边瑜伽一边谈事,一边办公一边讨论……

This is a spaceR y 5 J a L with multiple fields, and because of its different properties, it provides pers; % M 8onalized designs, allowing people to play ball while working, do yoga while diR $ h { fscussing business, and work while having discussions.


多元化场景,同时也是“d f /少”的设计,少了过多的装饰浮夸的表面,少了喧嚣繁杂的造型,那小小的内花园,只有一草一木一水与那一片天,呈现出平凡生活中的非凡简单。

The diversified scene is also a minimalistic design, with fewer decorative and flashy surfaces and fewer noisy and complicat{ P M – D m e ced shapes. The small inner gak X |rden has only grass, treeL 6 f Z \s, water, and sky, presenting the extraordinary simplicity of ordina2 G mry life.


设计师林琮然融合了海纳百川的体悟,以优J X \雅的东方艺术美学,重新赋予4 ( D M ; p d _生活与工作相融合的气息,营造出令人难忘的情感体验,并创造出在海、域、空中实现与绝美的相遇。

Designer Lin CV # + % } } 5 $ongran integrates the essence of everything, an] Q t : Ld with elegant Eastern ae9 g / w f 8 usthetic art, redefines the integp M \ W J ~ration of life and work, creating an unforgettable emotional experience and achieving a breathtaking encou^ 4 / W + u Wnter in the sea, field, and sky.


F ; ~ ? o Q \ i n合伙人办公室一角





△开p / 0 \ !放办公阅览区W T # {


v ] ~ y * 8 g目名称:浑然之园


建筑面积:21% G v . I71㎡0 Q w

设计单位:CROX 闊合A m W s

设计团队:林琮n – % ` * 2 Z +然、P Y 6 ; k李本涛、段美晨、包雨晴、方怡宁、李本加、万若珈、黄培耿、朱飔晗、赵文慧、陈灿、刘越、马雅晴

建筑d & # 9 Z \ 6 7 ]材料:S : b z 7 \ t 9白色水纹理石、硅藻泥涂料、白色格栅、黑色理石、黑胡桃木、粉色理石、室内植栽


Project name: Round nature

Project address: Shanghai

Building area: 2171L | P * r 5 O *

Design unit: CROX

Design team: C.R. Lin, Li Bent; P 6 ^ I e T bao, Duan Meichen, Bao Yuqing, Fang Yining, Li Benjia, Wan Ruojia, Huang Peigeng, Zhu YihanK m V t Y, Zhao Wenhui, Che. @ Q Y . i En Can, Liu Yue, Ma Yaqing

Building materialsC ~ w S X I T r L: White water texture stone, diatom mud coating, wh G ^ o W b M U thite grille, black marble, black walnut, pink marble, indoor* # c & 8 7 ` planting

Space photography:ingallery




RIBA 英国皇家特许注册建筑师

米兰Domus Academy建筑与都市设计硕士


林琮然,CRO8 O u T [X闊合创始人&设计总监,RIBAP – Z [ g 英国皇家特许注册建筑师,毕业于意大利米% ) s ! C 4 #兰著名设计学院Domus Academy。擅长跨界设计,作品跨足城市规划、建筑、室内 、家具,策展和艺术品创作。他“前卫自然”的设计风格和人文情怀,不断z 5 z o ? r b 7的实践了想象的无形和有机,将设计的艺术性和功能性完美结合,为生活创新。

} g 6 s创办闊合以来,先q n D后获得WAF世界建筑节、AMP美国建筑师大奖, 英国LICC, 法国DN\ % Q D & 0 % vA, 意大利A’ Design Award, 日本JCD,韩国K-Design等国际知名大奖。于2016年建筑艺术和学术界最具影响力的意大利米兰三年展和威尼斯双年展,平行展區策展人。


CROX$ { l Q I Founder & Design Director

RIBA Chartered Membership

Master of Urban Management and Cit\ ` f \ !y Design, Domus Academy, Milano, Italy

Bachelor of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chung-Hua University, Taiwan

C.R.Lin, CROX Founder & Desigb 2 R q yn Director, graduated frJ m f O { i 2om Domus Academy, Italy. He specializes in crossover design, projects contain mastL 8 D 1 _ 8 y s {erplanning, architecture, intm S Qerior, furniture design, extending to exhibition curator and art work creation. His avant-gard design philosophy brings design expands from the artistic feO ` { d | 1 U Veling towards the coq T Z ` 9 F 1 !nversation between humanism at V n @ Ind nature. We b3 ! vringing the intangible and organic imagination to achieve new life4 0 ` E M ! b W I experiences.

Since CROX was founded in 2008,2 6 J we have won multiple world famous awards like World Architecture FeG , O 9stival, American AMP, UK LICC, France DNA, Italy A’ Design Award, Japan JCD, K-design Awards. Our comple+ @ h V | ; r ] \ted project Liyang Museum and Chengduq # = 8 + 7 ! Jingkai White Building have been widely spread by all the world-famous design media, such as Domusg N q 7 D 7 ) D, ArchDaily, Wallpaper* and designboom etc..

我们秉承“前卫( A P自然”的设计风格和人文情怀,将设计从艺术拓展到人文与自然e K u q 3 ^ G的对\ & t _话,不断的实践了想象的无形和有机,为生活创造新的体验。

In CROX we bS P z ? o Y ( Lelieve design expands from the artistic feeling towards the co\ – G h 5nversation between human[ _ O 0 b L Y \ =ism and nature. We bringing the intangible and organic imagination to achieve new life expO R g ceriences.

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